Aku nampak jugak komen dan ucapan korang kat shoutbox which is sekarang ni dah tak berfungsi lagi sebab dah start nak main bayar- bayar. Huh, memang taklah kan dengan keadaan aku sekarang ni, HAHA. Apapun, aku ucapkan korang semua selamat menyambut tahun baru! XD
Dan yang ini merupakan hasil daripada kitaorang, comic doodler , untuk tahun baru ni. Sepatutnya aku nak lukis cerita pasal ni tapi disebabkan busy dengan assignments, semua tu tertunggak. Dan akhirnya hanya mampu post yang ni je, HAHA.
The list of participants:
The Doom Bringers (Left Side)
1. Ernest Ng (http:// dontlikethatbro.blogspot.com) – Shadow Ninjas
2. Aujinz (http://aujinz.blogspot.com/)- Blue MECHA
3. syuthekitteh (http:// syuthekitteh.tumblr.com/) – Sailordoom & Super Evil Kitteh
4. Miss Morbids (http://missmorbids.net) Lady Morbids and Sir Oreo
5. Miao&WafuPafu (http://akiraceo.com) – DragonMaster
6. UTAR Boy ( http:// utarboy.blogspot.com ) – Bankai Shinigami Boy
7. Pauline Low (http:// iknowyoudontgiveadamnaboutmylif e.blogspot.com) – Queen of Evil
8. Robin (http:// burungrobin.blogspot.com) – Prince of Evil
9.The Sharkox (http://www.thesharkox.com/) – Mutant
1. Ernest Ng (http://
2. Aujinz (http://aujinz.blogspot.com/)- Blue MECHA
3. syuthekitteh (http://
4. Miss Morbids (http://missmorbids.net) Lady Morbids and Sir Oreo
5. Miao&WafuPafu (http://akiraceo.com) – DragonMaster
6. UTAR Boy ( http://
7. Pauline Low (http://
8. Robin (http://
9.The Sharkox (http://www.thesharkox.com/) – Mutant
The Protector of Earth (Right Side)
1. Amin Aizuddin (http:// amin-aizuddin.blogspot.com)-Zor ro Malaya
2. Egg & Yolk (http:// theeggyolks.blogspot.com) – Eggatron
3. Munyamunya (http:// charchillies.blogspot.com/) – Kitteh Army
4. Kendy’s life a.k.a house88kend (http:// kendylife.blogspot.com)- Flower Goddess
5. A Medical Student Life Told in Comics (http:// www.mistersimpleton.blogspot.co m) – Medic Team
6. cheeChingy (http://cheechingy.com) – PokemonMaster
7. Bolehland (http://bolehland.net) – Samurais
8. SE ( http:// syafeikaedora.blogspot.com) - Green warrior
9. Dorky Guy (http://dorkyguy.blogspot.com) – DragonRider
10. Kyoru (http:// koudamainframe.blogspot.com) – Aegis Warriors
11. SayaDoodle (http://sayadoodle.com) -
12. Pek Chek Kia (http://pekchekkia.com) – Super Pek Chek Saiyan 4
1. Amin Aizuddin (http://
2. Egg & Yolk (http://
3. Munyamunya (http://
4. Kendy’s life a.k.a house88kend (http://
5. A Medical Student Life Told in Comics (http://
6. cheeChingy (http://cheechingy.com) – PokemonMaster
7. Bolehland (http://bolehland.net) – Samurais
8. SE ( http://
9. Dorky Guy (http://dorkyguy.blogspot.com) – DragonRider
10. Kyoru (http://
11. SayaDoodle (http://sayadoodle.com) -
12. Pek Chek Kia (http://pekchekkia.com) – Super Pek Chek Saiyan 4
High Res boleh dapat kat sini..